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Marsden Jade drop pendant


This pendant is carved from a beautiful New Zealand jade from the Marsden area.

I obtained this stone from an old gold miner many years ago who was working in Stafford (which is the bottom of the Marsden zone).

Having stored this stone away until recently I have finally cut it and I am starting to make some lovely carvings from it.

Jade from here is renowned for having some of the most beautiful and colourful jades in New Zealand.

This pendant is 8.3cm long and 2.6cm wide.


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This drop or Roimata pendant is carved from a lovely New Zealand pounamu from the Marsden area.

This stone is a beautiful bright green and is very translucent.

There are crystalline inclusions of probably tremolite which are an added feature of this stone making it more unusual.

This pendant is 8.3cm long and 2.6cm wide.


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